Dade Battlefield Historic State Park - Bushnell, FL |
Our winter domicile is in an area of great historical significance near the 80 acre
Dade Battlefield Historic Park in Bushnell, FL. Until we stayed in this area we weren't aware of the importance of this State Park in Sumter County, Florida, discovering that this was the site of one of the most important and deadliest battles in the history of the United States. This park preserves the
Second Seminole War (the longest conflict in the first 195 years of American History) battlefield which was fought on December 28, 1835, and marks the area where tribal Seminole warriors fought soldiers under the command of
Major Francis L. Dade. Each year a reenactment of Dade's Massacre is held to retell the story.
Dade Battlefield State Park - "National Gold Medal Winter" |
The activities held at the Park are always interesting and very well organized so I invited a friend to a High Tea which was held in the Lodge which holds 96 people, has a kitchen and facilities most comfortable for wedding and special events.
High Tea - Dade Battlefield |
Since attending gourd classes, silk scarf dying classes and pine needle art classes, I had a pretty good idea we would definitely enjoy ourselves. That was an understatement!
Gourd Classes held at Dade Battlefield |
Silk Scarf Classes - Dade Battlefield |
High Tea - Dade Battlefield - 2019 |
High Tea - Dade Battlefield State Park - 2019 |
High Tea - Dade Battlefield State Park - 2019 |
High Tea - Dade Battlefield State Park - 2019 |
My Friend, Sandy Gallup - High Tea - Dade Battlefield State Park - 2019 |
The High Tea was hosted by the
Dade Battlefield Society, an organization since 1987, which supports the preservation of the natural and cultural heritage of this area. Through living history events, nature programs, social functions, educational and recreational activities, festivals, and the annual reenactment of Dade's Battle, the non-profit Dade Battlefield Society operates exclusively for charitable purposes.
Beautiful Dade Battlefield Historic Park - Bushnell, FL |
Now when we hear of an activity or event at the Dade Battlefield Historic Park we make plans well in advance and know this will be an opportunity to enhance our own cultural awareness.